Bonifase Orwa

Back-end + Front-end Developer

I enjoy creating solutions to problems using computers because I am a software engineer professional with a high aptitude for solving web applications development processes and operational challenges with elegant and timely solutions. I possess a deep understanding of Python and JavaScript as my main stacks plus I also enjoy working with web-based application frameworks such as Flask, Django, Express, JavaScript front-end libraries such as React/Redux, relational database management systems like MySQL, Postgresql, as well as NoSQL such as MongoDB, and Python data analysis, having worked with them in my previous and present career development. I hold a BSc in Computer Science with ever-growing experience in software engineering.

I’m also exploring more creative pursuits designing tee shirts and accessories for, an online store I’m running.

Skills & Services


  • Back-End Web Development
  • Database Development
  • Application Programming Interfaces
  • Representational State Transfer (REST)
  • Python.
  • JavaScript.
  • Node.


  • Build a proffessional portfolio
  • Build a scalable web application for your business
  • Build robust business intelligence system.
  • Build a complete website for your business.
  • Build a complete portal for your system

Featured Projects

View selected projects below.



✈️ A simple travel agency ✈️ website theme using Materialize CSS. Website Online, Design Systems & Architectures and more.

View Easy-travel


WeConnect provides a platform that brings businesses and individuals together. This platform creates awareness for businesses and gives the users the ability to write reviews about the businesses they have interacted with. The app uses ReactJS, Redux, react-router and lots more.

View WeConnect

Blog Post Web Application

Create account, login, update your profile photo and post your first article.

View live site

Wegre Application

wger Workout Manager is a free, open source web application that manages your exercises, workouts and nutrition. It started as a pet project of mine to replace my growing collection of different spreadsheets, but it has become something other people could also find useful.

View live site

Work Experience

See my complete work history on my LinkedIn profile.

Software Engineer


April 2018-Present

Andela is a network of technology leaders dedicated to advancing human potential. We help companies build high-performing distributed engineering teams by investing in Africa’s most talented software developers. See more at about the company.

l primarily work as a software engineer for Andela’s clients and partners. I am skilled at writing complex applications, have a deep understanding of application lifecycles, databases, and services. My responsibilities also include but not limited to Interfacing with clients to understand their business, goals, and visions for products being supported by an Andela team as well as performing a world-class, high-quality work that not only meets the need of the client but also surpasses it.

Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Trainer

I Choose Life frica-Hour of Code

September 2016 - January 2017

Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) training. In this position, I was tasked with training the youth(18-35 years) on basic coding skills and server management to increase their employability. This initiative was sponsored by Microsoft and driven by ICL-Africa.

Key responsibilities:

  • Overhauled the curriculum and standardized the content and delivery.
    • Created workshops focusing on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, Wordpress and Responsive Web Design.
    • Created all Hour of code content (2 day conference style event) consisting of 2-4 hour workshop sessions.
    • Created interactive slide deck template for consistent national workshop branding.
    • Developed the Digital marketing posters for mobilization.
  • Provided training for all young people focusing on creating an inclusively employable youths.
  • Maintained the website.

Software Developer


October 2013 - Present

Self-employed and not in a long-term contractual commitment to any one employer while focusing on research writing, computer programming and training.

Services and Products:

  • Responsible for setting code standards for the back-end and front-end development.
  • Created a fully customized front-end framework, including the UI/UX design.
  • Standardized the site architecture and design.

Computer Science Intern

Department of Immigration services(IT Section)

The industrial internship was one of the requirements for the completion of BSc in Computer Science. It was a three month on the job work experience that was intended to introduce me to the real-world work environment and allow me to put my knowledge into use.

Key responsibilities:

  • Interfacing with clients at the reception and directing them accordingly.
  • Transforming and upgrading the manual registry section to a computerized system through the use of programming languages such as PHP and JavaScript.
  • Verification and scanning of clients forms into the system and Contributing to the development of a computerized filing system.


Moi University

Computer Science

4 year full-time program covering Bachelors degree in computer science.

LinkedIn Learning

Software engineering

Software engineering cources.

Kisumu Boy's Hogh School

Secondary education Studies